site policy

The copyright of all content (text, graphics, images, audio, etc.) published on the STARTO ENTERTAINMENT Official Site (hereinafter referred to as "this website") belongs to STARTO ENTERTAINMENT Co., Ltd. or the legitimate right holder (hereinafter referred to as "Copyright Holder").
Unless the copyright holder's prior consent is obtained, it is prohibited to use (including copying, altering, distributing, etc.) this information beyond the scope of personal use permitted by law, and to use it by having AI learn from it. Furthermore, the portraits (including portraits and figures), voices, names/stage names, brief biographies, etc. of the talents posted on this website (collectively, "talent properties") are related to the talents' portrait rights and publicity rights, and are managed by STARTO ENTERTAINMENT Co., Ltd., the talents' affiliated companies, or the talents themselves. It is prohibited to use the talents' properties without permission for the purpose of obtaining economic benefits, or to use them by having AI learn from them. Furthermore, the copyright holder makes no guarantee regarding all the content of this website. In the unlikely event that there is an error in the content on this website, the copyright holder shall not be held liable in any way.
Please also be aware that the information contained herein may be subject to change or cancellation without prior notice.