Service guide

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  • I want to join the fan club
  • I want to buy goods
  • I want to read the blog
  • I want to know the release information
  • I want to know about appearances in media, movies, etc.
  • I want to know about concerts and performances
  • I want to go to a concert or a show
  • I want to watch the video
  • I want to watch the broadcast
  • I want to find an artist I like
  • I want to know the official SNS account
This is the artist's official fan club site.
This is the official blog portal site for artists. You can view all content for a monthly fee of 330 yen (tax included).
This is an information site about official merchandise.
This is a video streaming service that allows you to enjoy concerts, stage performances, and more online.
This is the artist's official website. We regularly update the latest information on appearances, releases, performances, and more.
This is the official Junior website. We regularly update the latest information on Junior.
This is the official YouTube channel of STARTO ENTERTAINMENT.