Attention and request to all fans

Thank you very much for your continued support of our talents.
We have an important request for you all. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we ask for your understanding and cooperation with the following information.

We are extremely sorry to have to make this announcement to everyone who has been following the rules, but we hope for your understanding.
We appreciate your continued support for our talents.

About slander

Even if it is just words, slander can be very hurtful to the person on the receiving end.
Even when there are differences, please listen to each other's opinions and remember to respect others.

Please be careful of malicious fake sites and fake SNS accounts pretending to be live streaming sites.

There has been an increase in malicious websites and social media accounts pretending to be live streams of concerts and other events by our talents.
If your information is obtained by a fake website or social media account, you may become a victim of cybercrime, such as your credit card being fraudulently used or your social media account being hijacked.
We ask all fans to please be aware of the following precautions.

■Characteristics of fake websites and fake SNS accounts
- The names of real artists, performance names, and official photographs are used without permission.
- They use false live streaming information such as "official free streaming", "live broadcast", or "now streaming on XXX (a real video streaming service)", or pose as merchandise sales sites to direct customers to suspicious external sites.
- On the website to which you are redirected, you are told "You must log in" or "Please register as a user" and are asked to enter personal information such as your email address, password, and credit card number.
-There have also been cases where people have sent messages to social media accounts claiming that they have won a merchandise giveaway.

■ Countermeasures against fake websites and SNS accounts
・Please check the official website of the artist or performance for accurate information.
- Do not click on links or URLs listed on sites or social media without thinking carefully.
・Do not enter personal information carelessly.
- Install security software and make sure your OS and apps are up to date.

Related Links
Association of Concert Promoters of Japan (ACPC)

Metropolitan Police Department: Beware of "Phishing Scams Impersonating Live Streaming"!

Metropolitan Police Department: Phishing scams pretending to be live streams

Regarding handling of personal information sales of our talents on SNS

Recently, there have been a lot of posts on social media aimed at buying and selling personal information and secretly taken photos of our talents.
It appears that malicious posts and their distribution continue.

These actions are serious violations of privacy rights, portrait rights, and publicity rights.
Not only sellers but also buyers may be in violation of the law.

Depending on the situation, we may consult with police authorities and proceed with identifying the account poster.
We are also considering taking legal action.

We ask that you immediately stop any of the above actions.

Regarding illegal entry into concert venues, etc.

Recently, there have been several heinous cases where attendees without tickets have illegally entered venues where our talents are performing, disguised as staff members.

We will be strengthening identity checks and security when entering and exiting venues, and if we discover any illegal intrusion into concert venues, regardless of the method, we will immediately report this to the local police station and take strict action against them for crimes such as trespassing and obstruction of business.

We ask that you refrain from engaging in such behavior under any circumstances, and if you see any suspicious individuals, please notify the nearest security guard or other appropriate person.

Regarding responses to false postings and acts of voyeurism on SNS targeting our talents

Recently, we have noticed a continued increase in malicious posts on social media targeting our talents and their distribution.

in particular,
- Posting false information that implies a personal connection to a celebrity
* Editing secretly taken photos or blog photos and posting them on social media with false information
* Posting messages disguised as emails, LINE messages, etc.
・Posting unauthorized photos of celebrities
・Posting content that libels or slanders a talent with false information


We recognize that these actions are not only defamatory to the users, but also a serious violation of their privacy rights, image rights, and publicity rights, and are an obstruction of business, including that of our company. Therefore, we will be consulting with the police, and if such behavior continues, we believe that we will have no choice but to identify the poster and take legal action.

We ask that you immediately stop any of the above actions.

Concert etiquette

When attending the event, please observe the following rules and cooperate with us to ensure that everyone can enjoy the performance.

  • Unauthorized photography, video recording, audio recording, and phone calls using cameras, smartphones, etc. are strictly prohibited in the audience area before, during, and after the show.
  • Please be sure to watch the show from the seat you have been selected.
    You will not be able to watch the show in any seat other than the one you were selected in without permission from the organizer.
  • If you are in a seated block or reserved seating area, you will not be able to stand up during the performance. Please remain seated.
  • Please make sure that the fan size, including decorations, is within the specified size (same size as official merchandise fans: 285mm high x 295mm wide, 135mm handle) and that it is held at chest height. Even if it is within the specified size, please be careful not to obstruct the viewing (view) of other customers by connecting multiple fans together.
  • Similarly, when using official light sticks, please be careful not to obstruct the viewing experience of other customers.
  • Please note that message boards and name boards cannot be used during the performance.
  • Please refrain from drinking alcohol inside the venue. Also, please refrain from entering the venue under the influence of alcohol. If venue staff determines that you are excessively intoxicated, you may be refused entry or asked to leave. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Please take your trash home with you or use the trash cans provided within the venue.
  • During the performance, please set any electronic devices that make noise, such as smartphones, to silent mode.
  • In addition, please be considerate so as not to cause inconvenience to other customers.
  • If you experience any nuisance behavior at the venue, please notify a member of staff nearby.
    Please note that due to production and safety reasons, we may not be able to respond immediately.

Anyone who does not follow the instructions and warnings of staff may be asked to leave.

Regarding unauthorized resale and purchase of tickets

The "Act Prohibiting Unauthorized Ticket Resale" came into effect in June 2019.

There are two particularly important items in the Act prohibiting illegal ticket resale.

  • Tickets must not be illegally resold
  • Do not purchase tickets for unauthorized resale

This law not only punishes those who illegally resell tickets, but also those who purchase tickets with the intention of illegally reselling them. The penalties are as follows:

  • Imprisonment for up to one year
  • Fine of up to 1 million yen
  • Or both

Please refrain from purchasing tickets through unofficial channels and from fraudulently selling purchased tickets.
If we find that your ticket has been illegally resold, transferred, or exchanged, you will be denied entry. If you have already entered the venue, you will be asked to leave.

Please note that we may need to verify your identity when you come to the venue, so please be sure to bring your membership card and identification with you.
Also, if you buy tickets from a scalper, they may give you a forged ID, in which case the scalper will be guilty of forgery, and the person who bought the resold ticket will also be guilty of using a forged document by presenting the ID.
Both the reseller and the buyer could face very severe penalties for multiple violations.
If we find that someone has borrowed or lent an ID to impersonate a lottery winner and attempted to gain unauthorized entry, we will deny entry to that person. If you have already entered the venue, you will be asked to leave.

Regarding illegal distribution and reprinting of music and videos

We have a request for everyone regarding illegal activities related to music and video streaming.
We have become aware of numerous cases where videos and other materials currently distributed on Family Club Online and member sites are being recorded and then bought, sold, and re-distributed online.
Copying and selling music or videos or uploading them to the internet without the permission of the copyright holder is prohibited as a violation of copyright.

The penalties for such illegal acts under the Copyright Act are as follows:

  • Imprisonment for up to 10 years
  • Fine of up to 10 million yen
  • Or both

For the reasons stated above, illegally uploading music or videos, or obtaining them knowingly because they have been illegally uploaded, are both illegal acts and may result in severe criminal penalties, so please refrain from doing so under any circumstances.
If illegal activity is confirmed, our illegal activity countermeasures team will request the disclosure of the sender's information and take strict action depending on the case.

Regarding nuisance behavior and etiquette for using public transportation, etc.

Although it is a very small minority of people, there are some who engage in the following behaviors on public transportation, etc.

【bullet train】

  • Anticipating that a celebrity will use the service and lying in wait for the celebrity at the station
  • Chase and follow celebrities as they move around the station
  • Remaining inside a station or on a platform, blocking passageways and preventing the passage of other users or entertainers
  • Ride the same Shinkansen train as the talent and stay on the deck or aisle of the train to watch the talent
  • They cross the designated line on the platform and approach the Shinkansen train, preventing it from departing.


  • Anticipating that a celebrity will use the service, they lie in wait for the celebrity at the airport
  • Follow and stalk celebrities as they move through the airport
  • They gather in airport lobbies, near security checkpoints, in front of boarding gates, etc., blocking aisles and preventing other passengers and entertainers from passing through.
  • Purchasing an airline ticket with the intention of boarding the same flight as a celebrity
  • Ambushing or chasing a celebrity as they board a plane

[Other nuisances]

  • Take photos and videos of celebrities
  • Intentionally bumping into or hugging a celebrity
  • Repeated pursuit, ignoring warnings from managers, security guards and staff
  • Attempting to harm staff
  • Involving and causing inconvenience to ordinary passengers
  • Chasing a moving vehicle carrying a celebrity with a car or taxi
  • Ambush and stalk talents in various locations

The above is an example.
These behaviors have been a problem for some time, but with the cooperation and guidance of public transportation, our talents and staff have taken all possible measures to prevent accidents and trouble, and above all to avoid causing inconvenience to others. However, we have still not reached a fundamental solution to the problem, and we are struggling to deal with the escalating violations of etiquette.

The nuisance behavior of a very small minority of people can tarnish the image of celebrities and lower the dignity of everyone who follows the rules.
When using public transportation or public spaces, please behave with courtesy and discretion so as not to cause inconvenience to other users.

Regarding fraud by pretending to be a talent or manager (related person)

There have been a number of cases across the country where people suddenly receive contact claiming to be celebrities or managers (related parties) saying things like, "I'd like to talk to you via email," or "I'm troubled and would like you to give me advice." They then ask for large sums of money or direct people to paid sites where they are charged a usage fee.

Typically, victims are suddenly contacted via member-only social networking sites, game sites, chats, emails, etc. by individuals claiming to be talent or managers (associates). During communication, the victim is enticed to join a paid site and is then scammed into paying a high fee, or the victim is asked for money, saying, "We need money to get in contact with you."

In this way, talents and managers (affiliated parties) will never send direct messages to individual fans through membership-based social media, game sites, chats, emails, etc.
Of course, please be aware that we will never ask for money or direct you to paid sites.

The most common message contents are as follows:

  • I have a problem and I want you to listen
  • I was looking for people to be friends with on the site and you caught my eye.
  • Don't tell the office
  • (Pretending to be a manager or something) Please help him.
  • I don't have any free money, so I want you to pay for the site.
  • I'm in financial trouble. I'd like to borrow some money. I'll pay you back later.

If you receive such a message or suspect it, please contact the National Police Agency Cyber Police Bureau or your nearest police station.
The Internet Hotline Center also accepts information about illegal or harmful information.